Episode 9
Episode 9: Off-the-Record Messaging and PKI Implementations!
November 20th, 2020
41 mins 41 secs
About this Episode
Before there was Signal, before there was WhatsApp, the realm of secure encrypted messaging was ruled by the Off-the-Record secure messaging protocol, created as an alternative to PGP that introduced security properties like forward secrecy and deniability that were considered exotic at the time.
Now, more than a decade later, Off-the-Record messaging, or OTR, has been largely sidelined by Signal variants. But a small team of cryptography engineers is still working on pushing Off-the-Record messaging forward by focusing on use cases that they argue aren’t sufficiently covered by Signal. But what even is deniability, and how much does it matter in the real-world context of secure messaging? Sofía Celi joins us in today’s episode to talk about this and more.
Links and papers discussed in the show:
Music composed by Toby Fox and performed by Sean Schafianski.